Narawntapu National Park, TAS

Day Trip From: Riverside, Launceston
January 2023

We visited Narawntapu National Park from our place in Riverside, and we were pleasantly surprised by how quiet is was there.

We walked the trail to the top of Archers Knob, with a detour to a bird hide along the way (there were no birds), and another detour down to the very long (7km long) Bakers Beach. The trail was mostly very nice forest, and we saw a few wallabies and cockatoos. The top of Archers Knob had a pretty good view and we had a good lunch spot all to ourselves.

On the return trip, we followed a sign for an alternative route round the back of the lake back to the visitor centre. This turned out to be a ‘non-trail’ – eg. a theoretical line on the map passing through swampy train and scary kangaroos giving us the evil eye (perhaps that bit was our imagination). It was a lot of effort to find our way back, but we got there in the end.

We saw two other people attempting this route give up and walk all the way back around the other way after a fruitless journey in the wrong direction. When they arrived back at the car we heard them calling to reschedule an appointment at a winery as they were going to be over an hour late – oops!