Thornleigh, Sydney, NSW

Sep / Oct 2022 - 19 days

We needed to stay in NSW up until it was time for CC’s work conference, and so we booked this place in Thornleigh pretty much because it was the only place left for that time period in our price range. It was a room attached to the back of a suburban property, but with its own entrance down the side of the house and had a washing machine and cooking facilities (but no oven). So it served our purposes, but it was a bit chaotic in the small space with all our stuff piled everywhere.

There was bushland very nearby in the form of Westleigh park, which was a former Sydney Water site converted into a park. It was pleasant enough, but there was tons of rain during our stay and it was often muddy and flooded. It contained an interesting selection of abandoned items. There were other bush walking areas nearby, but between feeling tired after COVID and torrential rain showers falling usually at least once a day, we didn’t get out and about much. BUT we did see an amazingly cool gecko (BUT.. CC also found a leech on her when we got back – does that cancel out the gecko?)

Our stay here could probably be categorised as ‘waiting’ – for the rain to stop, for us to feel better, and for CC’s work conference…

The good

  • Bushland nearby


The not so good

  • Rain, rain, rain…
  • Flooded and muddy walking trails
  • CC got attacked by a leech
  • One room studio with no oven
  • Still feeling a bit under the weather with COVID