Ellenborough Falls, NSW

Day Trip From: Wherrol Flat
January 2021

Ellenborough Falls is about a one hour drive from our friends’ place in Wherrol flat. It’s known locally, but is a bit off the beaten track and so not a major tourist attraction. The local tourist board describes it as ‘the tallest single drop waterfall in New South Wales’ – and claims it is 200m high. The ‘single drop’ thing seems like a technicality to make it the tallest, but I’m not complaining – it was still a pretty good waterfall…

There’s a few different trails leading to the top and bottom of the falls and it didn’t take us long to walk them all and get various different views. Our visit also coincided with a ‘cicada season’, and the noise from the cicadas was almost deafening at times – but there were so many cicadas it was easy to get a close up view of them – and they looked extremely cool.