Renmark, SA
Renmark was a 40 minute drive from where we were staying, and a sizeable town in the area. It also promised us cold brew filter coffee, a craft brewery, views of the Murray River, and another part of the Murray River National Park to walk in.
We started our day in Renmark with a walk in Paringa Paddock (part of the National Park), and to be honest it was a little underwhelming. Perhaps we were ‘Murrayed out’. It didn’t help that the signposting was terrible, the trails were mostly roads, and that we came across a road blocked by water and had to make a detour.
Next stop was the town itself, which was also underwhelming! It was a bit too touristy for our liking – and the cold brew coffee was only average. Yes, WE ARE HARD TO PLEASE! 🙂
Things got better at the Woolshed Brewery, which was set on the banks of the Murray and had delicious beers. On the way back we stopped at Heading Cliffs lookout – also known as Murtho Forest Lookout – which had some of the best views of the Murray we had seen.