Norseman, WA

Apr 2023 - 1 day

After 1200km of just roadhouses, finally we reached the town of Norseman in WA. It was a 720km drive our last stop in Border Village,  and was pretty much a repeat of the previous day’s drive, but slightly longer and with no viewpoints of the Great Australian Bight.

We stopped at each roadhouse for the obligatory photos, and on the way we drove along ‘Australia’s Longest Straight Road’, which is a section of the highway which is just under 150km long.

We arrived in Norseman just before dark and had a quick wander around a very deserted town. After sandwiches for dinner, we went to bed early in preparation for the final day’s drive to Perth, which would be another 720km.

The good

  • Finally arriving at the end of the Nullarbor after 1200km

The not so good

  • Still 720km to go to Perth…