Tasman National Park, TAS

Day Trip From: Snug
January 2023

Tasman National Park was a bit of a trek from our place in Snug (2 hours drive), but we thought we would give it a go as we remembered it being quite spectacular from our last visit 9 years ago. LB was still visiting and this was our second trip out to a National Park during her stay.

We started at the Tasman Arch, a famous rock formation from where there is a short walk to Waterfall Bay (an hour return). This walk had some nice cliff views and forest, but it was pretty busy and there was no waterfall in Waterfall Bay (not enough rain had fallen so it had dried out).

We then drove for 40 minutes or so to get to the start of our ‘big’ walk for the day – the walk to Cape Hauy. This walk is about 4 hours return, and it was the walk that we had done the last time we were in Tasmania.  The first part of the walk is uphill through the forest and we met a lot of trekkers coming the other way. Towards the end the walk, the trail comes out on the coast where there are sea and cliff views in all directions. It was a bit quieter by the time we reached this area and the views were pretty decent.