Snug Falls, TAS

Day Trip From: Snug
January and February 2023

One of the great things about where we stayed in Snug was that the start of the trail to Snug Falls was only a 20 minute walk away – so when LB came to visit this was the first thing that we did. The trail itself is around 30 minutes each way, so door-to-door from our house we could visit the falls with a 90 minute round trip.

When we went with LB it was a public holiday and so the trail was pretty rammed to be honest (we count more than 10 other people as ‘rammed’). After that first time, we went most nights after work  at around 5.30pm – and we generally had the trail to ourselves (if you don’t count our echidna friend who we saw at least eight times)

The trail was through some really nice forest and although most of the time the falls were a trickle, it was still a really beautiful location. We really enjoyed going there so many times – we visited around 15 times I would estimate. As a special bonus, on our very last visit the falls were full of water as we had had a whole weekend of rain.