Rockingham, WA

Apr / May 2023 - 37 days

We spent just over 5 weeks in Rockingham, which apparently is known to locals as ‘Rocko’. The purpose of our stay was to provide a base which was close to the ocean – so that CC’s mum could come and visit us and hang out by the sea. We ended up with a three bedroom unit which was just five minutes walk away from the coast.

Rockingham is about 50km south of Perth and is connected by a commuter train and a motorway – so we went on quite a few day trips out towards Perth, including Perth Zoo, Caversham Wildlife Park, Fremantle, and the Botanic Gardens.

We also managed trips to Mandurah, Penguin Island, and Bunbury. Yes, when CC’s mum comes to visit the priority is sightseeing!

When not doing day trips we hung out after work in Rocko with CC’s mum eating ice-cream, and also managed quick visits to Cape Peron and Safety Bay, which were just around the corner.

Unfortunately, during her time in Rocko, CC’s mum tripped on a curb and fractured her shoulder – so she had to spend a lot of her holiday in sling. This didn’t deter her from the sightseeing though and we still managed plenty of trips out after the accident.

The good

  • Spacious unit
  • Five minutes walk to the beach

The not so good

  • CC’s mum fractured her shoulder
  • Our bedroom mattress was so old we had to turn it over
  • Too many dog beaches